Giradança | RN | Brazil

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18 years


19 Sep ∙ Tuesday ∙ 7:00 pm

Sesc Campinas | Teatro



18 years


20 Sep ∙ Wednesday ∙ 7:00 pm

Sesc Campinas | Teatro

The diversity of female bodies and their – not always – diverse representations are investigated in this meeting between Giradança and the choreographer Elisabete Finger. By questioning how women have been portrayed, from ancient mythology to contemporary life, three performers incorporate postures and positions found in personal archives, women’s magazines, advertisements, paintings, and historical sculptures.

The choreography incorporates narratives of activities, making and undoing archetypes of beauty, power, fertility, ecstasy, love, and war. If mythologies are narratives that transmit knowledge, the artists create their mythologies and attribute different qualities and possibilities – often fantastic – to their bodies.


Conception and choreography: Elisabete Finger;
In collaboration with: Alexandre Américo, Ana Vieira, Jânia Santos e Joselma Soares;
Performance: Ana Vieira, Jânia Santos e Joselma Soares;
Paintings: Elisabete Finger, Ana Vieira e Samuel Oliveira;
Artistic Direction: Alexandre Américo;
Direction Assistance: Ana Vieira;
Artistic and executive production: Celso Filho;
Light design: Camila Tiago;
Disclosure photography: Brunno Martins, Guesc e Debby Gram;
Graphic design: Vinicius Dantas ( AYA+ );
Collage: Manuela Eichner;
Body painting – running: Álvaro Dantas;
Artist residencies: Espaço Giradança (Natal/BR) e Casa Líquida (São Paulo/BR);
Production: Listo! Produções Artísticas | Corpo Rastreado;
Financial direction: Cecília Amara;
Space direction Giradança: Roberto Morais.
