The Now Does Not Confabulate With Waiting
Iara Izidoro | PE | Brazil
12 years
19 Sep ∙ Tuesday ∙ 8:30 pm
Sesc Campinas | Ginásioshows
12 years
20 Sep ∙ Wednesday ∙ 8:30 pm
Sesc Campinas | GinásioHow can something to come walk through the fissure of space-time and cross the visible and the invisible? Starting from this questioning, the performer Iara Izidoro dialogues with digital and analog devices in an attempt to construct a non-linear experience of time.
Interested in the composition of simultaneous layers, the artist refutes chronological temporality, understanding that it is the time of accumulation and progress. To suspend time, as a political act, is to leave aside the immediacy characteristic of the present and to move away from hegemonic forms of thought.
In her creations, Iara values the horizontal relationship between space, the body and her improvisational devices, seeking to understand how other materialities can talk about her interests and build a scenic presence. In this dance between surfaces of coexistence, the audience is invited to flow freely through the space, just like in a gallery, experiencing different layers of the work.
Direction, performance and light design: lara Izidoro;
Soundtrack and sound design: Podeserdesligado;
Costume: Podeserdesligado, Iara Izidoro e Renan Soares;
Digital luthier: João Tragtenberg;
Executive Production: Caeu Fidelis;
Design: Igea Martins;
Administration: Rafael Gusmão.