Knowledge in Motion: Conversa Aleijada – How Has Disability Contributed to Paradigmatic Changes and Knowledge Production in the Field of Arts?

Edu O., Ariadne Antico, Moira Braga e Isadora Ifanger. Mediação: Edu O.| Brasil

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All ages


20 Sep ∙ Wednesday ∙ 2:00 pm

Sesc Campinas | Espaço Arena
  • LIBRAS (Brazilian Sign Language)

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The meeting is an offshoot of the Conversa Aleijada project, created by Edu O. in 2021 to provide dialogue between artists with disabilities and reflection on their research and artistic practices, considering disability as a driver of their creative processes and as a tool in the production of knowledge in the field of arts. Based on the Crip Theory or Crippled Theory, presented by theorist Robert McRuer, these meetings show new ways of understanding disability and cultural accessibility.

Knowledge in Motion
athered under the name Knowledge in Motion, the meetings bring the joy of thinking about what is dance in the time of now, in the most diverse places. Held among artists participating in the Bienal Sesc de Dança, intellectuals, researchers and communities, they seek to reflect on issues and move knowledge between bodies that dance, that watch, that want to start dancing, that dance professionally, or that dance to make life. The dialogues, mediated by Edu O., are an invitation to cultivate and share the imagination between people, realities and knowledge, and also a place to arrive, in which the body that lives moves, awakening and dancing on its territory.