I AM NOT ONLY ME IN ME – State of Nature – procedure 01

Grupo Cena 11 | SC | Brasil

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16 years


20 Sep ∙ Wednesday ∙ 9:30 pm

Sesc Campinas | Galpão



16 years


21 Sep ∙ Thursday ∙ 9:30 pm

Sesc Campinas | Galpão

Warning: This show contains flash lights that may affect photosensitive viewers.

The new performance by Grupo Cena 11 proposes an anarcho-choreographic counterpoint to the concept of “Brazilian people”, found in the work of anthropologist Darcy Ribeiro (1922-1997). Crossed by the definition of an “ethnic-national identity” developed by the writer from Minas Gerais, the artists investigate identity as a constant flow of change, questioning what a Brazilian dance could be.

In this transduction into dance and choreography, the relationships between factors such as otherness and identity are modulated with the aim of horizontalizing hierarchies between language and behavior. Conceived and directed by Alejandro Ahmed, the work applies in a theoretical and practical way the group’s new research, which reconsiders the practical and terminological tensions of the dichotomy between behavior and language, in the light of technology as nature.

The performers create an algorithmic ecosystem of associated alterities, in which everything that moves is a potential choreographic composition: they find in dance a field of knowledge formed by the musculoskeletal-emotional modulation of the force of gravity. They dance, then, as a symptomatic incorporation of the scattered causality that culturally defines human beings in their kinetic behavior.


Conception, direction and choreography: Alejandro Ahmed;
Creation, choreography and performance: Alejandro Ahmed, Aline Blasius, Ana Clara Pocai, Bibi Vieira, Carlos Calê, DG Fabulloso, Diego de los Campos, Gal Freire, João Peralta, Karin Serafin, Malu Rabelo, Natascha Zacheo e Vitor Hamamoto;
Operation and creations in sound and video: Alejandro Ahmed, Diego de los Campos e João Peralta;
Technical direction: Grupo Cena 11;
Direction Assistance: Karin Serafin;
Interlocution for lighting: Irani Apolinário;
Soundtrack: Tálamo. K ;
Variations on the Theme by Ligeti for Piano: João Peralta;
Costume designer: Karin Serafin;
Motion steering Assistance: Aline Blasius;
Production direction: Karin Serafin;
Production Assistance: Malu Rabelo;
Creating and programming objects, instruments, and mechanisms for the scene: Diego de los Campos;
Theoretical-practical committee: Ana Maria Rabelo Gomes, Fabiana Dultra Britto, José Fernando Peixoto de Azevedo, Leonarda Glück;
Translation: Marcos Morgado;
National broadcast: Gabi Gonçalves – Corpo Rastreado;
Production support: Edinburgh Fringe Society, MITsp e MITbr;
Support for project development: EPEC-Capacitação e serviços para empreendedores criativos;
Headquarters and technical preparation: Jurerê Sports Center (JUSC);
Acknowledgments: Adilso Machado, Andrea Druck, Beto Propheta, Bia Mattar, Eduardo Serafin, Ledícias de la Madre, Marcos Morgado, Nelci Vieira, Norma Adó, Paloma Bianchi e Paulo Pierin Luz.

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