Sustenance – Durational Performance in Dance

Núcleo Fuga! | MS | SP | Brasil

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All ages


21 Sep ∙ Thursday ∙ 11:00 am

Praça Bento Quirino



All ages


22 Sep ∙ Friday ∙ 5:00 pm

Praça Bento Quirino

Entrada gratuita

Carrying themselves and each other, the performers Bruna Reis, Dora de Andrade, and Gabriela Giannetti walk through the public space. Along the way, as a strategy of resistance and opening up worlds, they propose displacements, welcoming and sharing of forces, as well as other encounters and exchanges with the city and the women who cross the path.

They perform distinct dynamics in three choreographic movements: sustain, support and revenge. The action responds to a sexist and violent social and cultural reality, and demands other configurations for women’s existence.

The durational performance in dance gives visibility to perspectives of support. Thus, between protections and supports, the artists affirm what makes life persevere, avenging the women of now and those of before, walking together in the time of not succumbing.


Conception, performance and direction: Bruna Reis, Dora de Andrade e Gabriela Giannetti;
Body preparation: Jussara Miller;
Functional training: Moisés Teixeira;
Cultural mediation: Mônica Galvão;
Technical and administrative support: Roberto Rezende;
Digital marketing: Flávio Rabelo e Roberto Rezende;
Graphic design:
Alice Jardim;
Art direction: Alice Jardim e Flávio Rabelo;
Audiovisual record: Alice Jardim e Flávio Rabelo (Campinas, Ribeirão Preto, Santos e São Paulo) e Marina Pires (Campinas);
Search: Núcleo Fuga!/Grupo De Pesquisa Corpo Sendo – Uems (Cnpq);
Research coordinator: Prof. Dra. Dora De Andrade;
Escape Nucleus Researchers!: Ana Clara Amaral, Bruna Reis, Dora De Andrade, Flávio Rabelo, Gabriela Giannetti e Roberto Rezende;
Production coordination: Cotiara Produtora – Ana Elisa Mello e Samya Enes;
Executive production
: Ana Elisa Mello;
Production: Cotiara Produtora;
Partnership: Salão do Movimento.
